
Mom elegant cropped

2 Parties and a Funeral: Happy Birthday/ RIP Ginny Kane

The plan seemed simple enough: to organize a birthday party for a hundred year-old woman at the farm…

dandelion field

There Goes That Idea

Been a while, got a lot to share. But first, I have to correct myself on something I wrote back in A…

Sweet Note From a Fellow Chemo Patient

Sweet Note From a Fellow Chemo Patient

Compared to the often funerial atmosphere of most chemo rooms, my last treatment felt like being at …


The Trajectory of My Life

See where I've lived for the past 63 years.

mari in chair

Chemotherapy is Not as Bad as I Expected

“You’re really looking good,” Billy raved as we huffed and puffed uphill on Heather Street after a w…

Lafite Rothschild 1986.2

How a Wine Epiphany Showed Me Wine is Not Just For Rich People

Epiphany bottles are just that. Epiphanies. Every serious wine lover has one locked away in his or h…

Wine Spectator dudley cover Oct 31 1990 BW

Shooting Covers for Wine Spectator

Back in the early 1990’s I shot covers for Wine Spectator. The relationship started just as I …

Baby Magic is Real, and It’s a Pain Reliever

Baby Magic is Real, and It’s a Pain Reliever

If you’ve never experienced baby magic, or scoffed at the idea, I’m here to tell you the effect is r…

I Can’t Believe I Have Stage Four Cancer

I Can’t Believe I Have Stage Four Cancer

I can’t believe I have stage four cancer. I just can’t believe I have stage four cancer. I really ca…

Bill Mari wedding kiss cropped

Bill and I Get Hitched – Kinda

After four years of dating Bill, and living with him for two, I got the itch to get hitched. I start…

mari hospital

Good Morning, Cancer, Sit Down

“Good morning! You have Stage Four colon cancer. Have a nice day!” Well, that wasn’t exactly how I w…

Grampa, Grama Dugan at Farm

A Brief History of the Kanes and Watsons

My mom, Mary Virginia (Ginny) Watson and my dad, Robert (Bob) Leo Kane were both raised in Michigan.…


Life as an Air Force Brat

I was born in Tripoli. Libya. The Mediterranean port city in North Africa. You know the song, “From …

A Cat Named Ella Fitzgerald

A Cat Named Ella Fitzgerald

When a mouse ran across the floor of our new Vancouver apartment we said, we have got to get ourselv…

Santa Flies Space Available

Santa Flies Space Available

One thing I learned as a child was that Santa also travels on airplanes. I found this out when I was…

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