Mari’s Resume

 Mari Kane – Writer and Web Designer 
#204-2625 Alberta St.   Vancouver, BC V5Y 3L3    604-376-4609

I’m a thirsty creative always on the lookout for new projects that feed my soul.


Web Designer, The Studio Web Design, 2013 – Present, Vancouver, BC
Heading a web design group dedicated to building future-proof websites for small businesses.

Blogger, Ebook Author, Blogsite Studio, 2011 – Present, Vancouver, BC
Writing posts offering tips, tricks and tutorials about how to use WordPress and social media. 

Published ebooks: “Create a WordPress Website In Ten Easy Steps”, “Escalate Your WordPress Website”, and “Secure Your WordPress Website,” based on posts. 

Spoke at Vancouver WordCamp 2012, 2013, 2019 and Las Vegas WordCamp 2015.

WordPress Tutor, 2011 – Present, Vancouver, BC
Teaching in-person and online sessions that include follow-up consultations by email or phone.

Freelance Writer, 2000 – Present, Vancouver, BC
Published wine stories in: Wine Enthusiast, Edible Vancouver & Wine Country, WinePress NW, Westender, Freedom Leaf, Wines and Vines, Russian River Times, and Northbay Bohemian.
Published travel stories in: Offbeat Travel and TravelThruHistory.
Publishedbusiness stories in: Marijuana Business Report, Buyside, Cannabis Culture, E-The        Environmental Magazine, New Age, and Magical Blend.
Published editorials in:, Providence Journal, and Santa Rosa Press Democrat.

Webmaster/Communications Director/Meetup Organizer, BC Association of Travel Writers, 2012 – 2018, Vancouver, BC
Built and maintained the membership website as well as posting the monthly newsletter, The Buzz. Organized and facilitated monthly Meetups sponsored by the BCATW.

Wine Blogger,, 2008 – 2016, Vancouver, BC 
Blogged about wine, beer, spirits, travel, reviews, and food pairings. (On hiatus)

Stand Leader at Rogers Arena, ARAMARK Corp., 2010 – 2014, Vancouver, BC
Managed the Chilli Peppers stand at Gate 122 in Rogers Arena, starting prior to the 2010 Olympics.

Contributing Editor, DealFlow Media, 2010 – 2011, Sonoma, CAlifornia
Wrote feature stories for online newsletter on topics relating to the medical marijuana industry.

Wine Store Blogger, Everything Wine, 2009 – 2010, North Vancouver, BC
Launched a weekly blog for the Everything Wine store website.

Marketing Manager, Bottle Barn, 2004 – 2005, Santa Rosa, California
Wrote and published a quarterly print newsletter, launched their web site and wine club, and performed merchandising and media relations duties.

Editor, Buyside Magazine, 1999 – 2002, Sonoma, California
Wrote and edited the stock market publication’s editorial and advertorial sections and company blog (Full time 1999-2000). Worked as a contributor of feature stories (Freelance 2000-2002).

Publisher, HempWorld, 1994 – 1998, Sonoma County, California
Published the first industrial hemp magazine and hemp directory in the world, before it was cool.

Photographer, Kane-Carlson Studios, 1989 – 1994, San Francisco, California
Partnered in commercial photography studio producing advertising, catalog, and portrait images.


University of San Francisco, Certificate of Internet Marketing, 2010 
Studied online: Integrated Online Strategies, Advanced Interactive Marketing and Measurement, and Master in Internet Marketing programs.

Santa Rosa Junior College, Wine and Wine Marketing, 1994 and 2003
Studied wine and the marketing and promotion of wine.

San Francisco Academy of Art University, BFA in Photography, 1980 – 1983
Studied commercial and journalistic photography.


Vancouver International Jazz Festival, 2006 – Present 
Managed volunteers at the Performance Works theatre.

Surrey International Writers Conference, Oct 2007 – Present
Introduced presenters and moderated workshops.


Pages, MS Word/Pages, Filemaker, Excel/Numbers, Photoshop, Quark Express, InDesign, Pagemaker, Powerpoint/Numbers, Zoom, Skype, Outlook, Acrobat, WordPress, Camtasia, Google Analytics, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more.

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